Someone has to stop me.

Someone has to stop me. I had a $10 Best Buy gift card burning a hole in my pocket (prize for buying the DVD player from them), so I stopped by there to see about getting Chasing Amy with it. Naturally, they didn’t have it, so I lunged for The Fifth Element. I took my purchase happily up to the counter and waited for the clerk to figure out how to ring up the gift card. I felt like a big log in a river, suddenly coming up against a narrow point as I watched the line back up behind me.

So once that unpleasantness was over, a little voice in the back of my brain says “Why don’t we stop by Circuit City over there and see if they have Chasing Amy?”
“Because we don’t have a gift card for Circuit City.”
“But it’s not like they’ll actually have it.”
“What if they do?”
“What if they don’t? Come on! It’s only a few blocks away!”

So I go there and, you guessed it – they had a copy of Chasing Amy. Note: A copy of Chasing Amy.
“I don’t have a gift card, put it back on the shelf.”
“Oh come ON! They only have one copy here!”
“And I don’t have a gift card – I’ll have to pay full price.”
“Remember? We did the figuring last week. This is about the same price you’d pay getting it online and it’s right here!!!!”
“Right here, huh?”
Right here!!!”
“Same price?”
Same price!!”

So now I have Chasing Amy in my collection. I give in to my inner child way too much.

Me not like pro basketball

Me not like pro basketball
‘Cause me short and they all tall
Basball slow like Forrest Gump
‘Cept when Robbie spits on ump
Wrestlemania not so great
Me like to see Hulk Hogan skate!
TV soccer not that hot
You play bad then you get shot

And so ends another work day…

Don’t you just hate it

Don’t you just hate it when you suddenly notice food on your shirt and realize that it’s been quite some time since you’ve eaten? Luckily I don’t think I’ve walked around much since lunch, so I might’ve gotten away scot free.

Hey! Just a half hour ’til I’m out of here. How cool is that?

I’ve discovered one of the

I’ve discovered one of the many annoying facets of having a desk right outside a conference room. Not only is everyone walking by your desk staring at your monitor, but large groups of people tend to congregate outside the door after a meeting and discuss “action items.” Add to that the various accoutrements my desk has, and there’s usually quite a gathering around at any given time. If it weren’t for my headphones, I’d turn into quite the little postal worker.

I was just looking at

I was just looking at one of those useless facts pages, where I came up with a startling conclusion. The facts I found were:

1) Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people.
2) Polar bears are left-handed.

So I’m only going to live nine years longer than a polar bear? Crap! I’d better see how long they live. I hope it’s to one of those sea turtle ages…

Oh God. I took a

Oh God. I took a drink of my Coke a little while ago and a small white and squishy something wound up in my mouth. At first I was only mildly disgusted, since I was eating a bagel at the time. “Perhaps it’s just something that was stuck to my teeth,” I thought, trying my best to not think of how unlikely it would be for me to have something of that size on my teeth and not notice it. I did a full check of my teeth and found nothing. That settles that.

Next drink? Squishy. Now thoughts of Urban Legends are flying through my head and I am done with that can. Thank God Andrew brought down four cans!

This is rather amusing. I’m

This is rather amusing. I’m ranked 6th on the power bloggers list (might break the top 5 after this) and yet it appears I’m the only one reading what I’m writing. Funny, yet sad. Maybe I’m dead and just don’t know it. Still no emails from my friends, no one’s looking at the blog… ohmigod… there’s a RED Coke can in front of me!!!

Okay, so now I’m looking at all of the red things around me and seriously freaking out. Thanks loads, M. Night Shyamalan.

Andrew is now my best

Andrew is now my best friend in the whole world. As I sat here grousing about my lack of caffeine and trying futilely to get my mind into testing mode, suddenly there’s Andrew with four Cokes in hand. Awesome! Then again, he just sent an email asking if I saw the woman who walked past while he was down here, so he might be on the shitlist for not mentioning her when I could see.

In other news:

A happy-go-lucky outlook is normal for you, because Jupiter transits your sign for quite awhile. Tune in to your happiness and try to mitigate any nervous energy that may tempt you to run away and seek new adventures. You can certainly aim for incredible new adventures, but you do need to let events fall into place at the right time. Don’t rely on impulse right now. Talk things over with a partner or mate.