So now that I’m back on the PC and not under the pressure to be a Creative Mac Person, I’m ready to start working on the site again. Who knows – I might even get the comments working. I was just never comfortable editing code on a Mac. I need my UltraEdit32 to be truly happy and productive.
All of my computer stuff is now on the second floor. Barb and I are back to sharing an office. Hopefully now that I don’t have The Re-Switch hangong over my head and I don’t have to walk up to the third floor, this will mean I’ll be posting more often.
Of course, that’s no guarantee. So here’s what I’ll do – if you’re getting tired of checking the site every couple of minutes to see if I posted something, click that “Contact Me” link on the left over there. Let me know you want to be on the update list and I’ll start sending out an email when I post something. No spamming, no selling, no giving your email address to all of my perverted little friends. Just a simple email to let you know there’s something new here. Or you can just keep checking every few minutes like you currently do. Right? RIGHT?