Speaking of Armies…

Since I had to break out my camera a little while ago (a long story involving bad power supplies, idiot scanners and a million fonts), I finally took a picture of the package I got in the mail a bit ago from The Regulars. If you wanna see the big picture, click the little one.

Regular Goodness

Inside was a strip with three Regulars-logoed stickers, a photo and the now-expected password hint paper. Unfortunately, my hint is for the number seven in the second slot, which has already been figured out. Now we all just have to sit around with bated breath until the next recipient posts their hint.

As for the photo, it’s markered with the phrase “Where are we going?” in the lower left corner. The photo itsels if of a map of London with the National Portrait Gallery circled. Upon receipt, I zipped over to the gallery’s online presence to try to find a clue, but it was no help.

Or was it?

Taking the Mantra to Heart

Well, I’ve taken my first step in the “It’s not Art” revolution. I was originally waiting until I had the whole site redone before I added a link to survivor’s blogs, but today I said the hell with it. It doesn’t have to be pretty (yet), it just has to be there. So, if you look over to the right there, you’ll see a list of people who have either beaten Hodgkin’s or are in the midst of the battle. More information about the list can be found by clicking that first link. If you know of someone with The Hodge who’s keeping track of their progress online, click that “Add Me!” link at the bottom and send me the info. The more members we have in the Hodgkin’s Army, the better.

Of course, if we suddenly had no more recruits because this thing was beaten, that would be even better still.

Now I’m more careful

Now that I have my new baby, I’ve been wandering around the web looking for things to hop it up with. I’ve already put my logo on as a start-up screen thanks to what I found here. If you’re interested, this is what does the logos.

Frighteningly, I also ran across this page. Now I’m being reeeeeeally careful.