I really thought I was a loser and had already missed a day of posting, but it turns out today was actually yesterday’s tomorrow! Whodathunkit.
Of course, that could be from pulling my umpteenth work all-nighter last night. Finally got (most) of the bugs worked out and the Big Project is out the door. Mostly.
I can see all of you, but it’s like through a weird hazy fog…
Since my brain is wandering more than usual, here’s a short list of things you can expect to see in the near-to-not-so-distant future:
- Brian finally gets his personal life extricated from work.
- Brian finally gets back to work on Cancer is My Bitch.
- Night of the Splitting Blogs! Since I’m soooo over the whole cancer thing, I’ll be going back to the ol’ random non-cancery posts. Between that and pushing ahead with the CiMB movement, I’m going to “Splitteth the Blog in Twain” as the kids say. Anything cancery or CiMB-related will still be there, while the old weirdness is safely nestled back in the bosom of moondoggie.com
- Brian finally gets his photos organized and uses that domain he’s had for them for, like, forever.
- Brian finally gets the CiMB emails back up and running.
- Brian finally stops referring to himself in the third person.
- Flying cars!
- Trendy new web designs!
- Occasional frightening personal discoveries of how old I am, when I do the math after hearing things like Billy Joel releasing a special 30th anniversary edition of The Stranger.
- Purple, purple, purple, as far as the eye can see!
I’m ready for my nap now, Mr. DeMille.