Back Up to Speed

Let’s see, what all has happened in the past… holy crap! Twenty five days? Wow, I suck.

The hockey season finished with my team missing the playoffs. We actually had a mathematical chance of making it going into the last game. If the team above us was beaten and we won, we were in. Sadly, they won and we were beaten, something like 12-4. To make it even worse, we got the first four goals of the game. Oy. Well, the new season starts this Wednesday, so we’ll see how the team looks this year.

Cancer-wise, my PET scan is this Friday, and we’ll find out the results next week, along with where we go from here. My bonus end=of-chemo present finally arrived on Thursday. Barb had a t-short made for me with my “Cancer is my bitch” slogan. Sadly, we can’t wear t-shorts with writing at work, or I would’ve worn it Friday. We had a Queen’s Night Christmas party on Saturday, so I wore it then to rave reviews. I’m almost done with my bumpersticker design, so hopefully I’ll be able to order those shortly.

I’ve been feeling pretty good, being chemo-less and all, but I think my body was expecting a treatment last week. I had many of the lesser symptoms through Friday, even feeling a touch of the chemo tiredness at one point. Stupid conditioned body. Hopefully this week my body will finally realize the chemo is over.

Oh, and I’m putting together a little list of Hodgkin’s tips to help out the people coming into this after me. I’ll have a link on the left side of the page to it, just in case you need to reference it further down the road. At the moment, it’s kind of ugly and unreadable, but I’ll eventually get around to making it pretty. Right around the time that I redesign the site, post the house photos, post the wedding photos, the past few years of birthdays… Oh man, I’m feeling dizzy.

Let’s hear it for #22!

Here’s one more way Brian Leetch and I are alike (not the record part – the last bit) :

“Boston’s Brian Leetch scored in the first period and assisted on Nick Boynton’s goal in the second to become the seventh defenseman — and 69th player — in NHL history to reach 1,000 career points.

‘I hope they don’t mention I was on the ice for all four goals in the loss,’ said Leetch, taking care of that himself. ‘Hopefully they won’t remember that, because that was disappointing.’ ”
Read more

Things are Brewin’

Incidentally, the creativity has been bubbling around in me as of late. I’ve been working on some of our web stuff at work and have been getting into more of a web troubleshooting mindset because of it. So, expect weird things on the site over the next few days. I might start tinkering, unless I’m getting married again or going off on another honeymoon.

A Quick Name Change

The more I looked at “The Cansuh Chronicles” link, the less I liked it. I mean sure I’ve “got the cansuh,” but specifically, I’ve got the Hodge. And now, the Hodge Podge is borne.

Still haven’t dug into the comments thing yet, though…

Site Weirdness

I just did some quick cutting and pasting to archive the old site and start up the new cancer blog, so things are going to be weird for a little while until I get around to fixing them. For instance, that “Add comment” link? Doesn’t do anything ’cause I’m not allowing comments for now. Go figure. A lot of the other links might not work either. I’ll get around to those one of these days, but for now I don’t care. That’s not me talkin’. That’s the cancer…

Back up again, but… for how long?

According to my webhost, UUNet’s been having some problems out there and it’s caused everything related to my host and its sites to occasionally be completely and totally unreachable. Of course, UUNet’s Network Operations Center page showed no problems and I could get to other sites across the UUNet backbone (Through ALTER.NET, to be specific). Sounds like they’re making up things like I used to back in my web tech support days. Oh well. Maybe I’ll be up long enough to post this.

Welcome to PHP-ville

Well, with any luck the weirdness with the site is over. All of my PHP stuff is going and I even added that “Change Styles” section thanks to this article over on A List Apart. Right now all I have is the default look and the results of a challenge from a friend to make my site look “more like Wired’s site.” Unfortunately, the designers over at Wired seem to have access to some sort of top-secret super colors, so this is as close as I could get. Grab some shades before you click.